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Drawing from their healing story, The TUBÚ HɄMMɄRIMASA Nation shares the proposal of the DIRÖAMASA (the people of the dawn). The DIRÖAMASA are a new people with a new proposal. Although they are not indigenous, they support and strengthen the proposal of SUARY (rebuilding the unweaving of a society), as shared by the elders in the healing stories that have accompanied and guided them since the world was the world, since  man was man and since time was time. 


SUARY - REBUILDING THE UNWEAVING OF A SOCIETY - is composed of a group of men and women from different social and cultural sectors, located in the city of Cali. Since 2008, Suary has been building a collective proposal with the permanent guidance of IMIKÃ TARIRU BARY VERA KUARY BARU, elder and wisdomkeeper from the TUBÚ HɄMMɄRIMASA Nation.


In accordance with ancestral medicine, SUARY aims to preserve, maintain  and share the songs and the dances as the maximum expressions of knowledge, the nation’s healing story and the set of values that keeps it alive. In that way, Suary aims to influence society towards a vision of collective work and a society constructed from a respect for differences.

The formation and weaving of SUARY, Bioethnic, Social, and Cultural Association, and  legal entity in  the city of Cali, has allowed Imika and the members of Suary to accompany and guide collective processes in different regions of the country. From this organizational form, Suary proposes to materialise the House of the Dawn and the DIRÖAMASA Territory. A Territory which is already in manifestationfrom which Suary intends to support, strengthen and project the TUBÚ HɄMMɄRIMASA Nation and its proposal.

The central pillar of the Suary proposal is  Ajphy bará, the mambeadero or place of the sharing of the word. Ajphy bará is the meeting place for daily life, where situations created by the dizzyiness of life are solved, and where future actions are envisioned and planned. Alongside the central pillar of Ajphy bará,  the Suary proposal is sustained by two other supportive pillars, called Origenes (Origins) and Nativo (Native), that function as lines of action within the proposal. 


The AJPHY BARÁ proposes to generate a space of dialogue for daily life, which is strengthened in this meeting. The AJPHY BARÁ invites contributors to internalize a respect for the differences between us and recognizes the medicines that are a part of the Anaconda Canoë of Knowledge. It provides the time and space to share the healing stories, songs and dances that guide the Tubú nation. The AJPHY BARÁ is a space for teaching about the fundamental values upheld in the socio-economic and political organization of the Tubú Hummurimasa society weaving; the knowledge about food, its cultivation, and the community building value in the work of planting and harvesting; dance, song, crafts and music. All of this is shared with respect for the other, as a great celebration in the meeting with life. 


Origenes, as one of supporting pillars of Suary, focuses its development towards planning and developing proposals that allow for the strengthening of internal community  processes. It always maintains the focus of contributing to society through collective experience, guided by the path itself within SUARY. In this way, In 2013, as  a constituted group, “SUARY, rebuilding the unweaving of a society” was the winner of the Grant for the Recovery and Revitalization of Traditional Indigenous Dances, with the project of “Recognition and strengthening of the Ancestral Dances of the TUBÚ HUMMURIMASA Nation”. (Resolution 1757 of June 21, 2013, Ministry of Colombian Culture)
The Suary proposal actively participates in the process of transforming the Aguacatal Urbanization (a neighborhood in the city of Cali where the Suary Mother House is based) into an eco-neighborhood. The Suary Mother House (Casa Madre) is a place for meeting and strengthening the TUBÚ HUMMURIMASA proposal. Currently Suary is constituted as a legal entity which strengthens and guides the processes of Origenes.


Native, the other supporting pillar within the Suary proposal, is dedicated to the tasks of making with the hands, the weaving of costumes for dances, musical instruments, the crafts and ornaments. it is the ratification of  action in the time and space of SUARY, it is the weaving that heals.

© 2025
SUARY Asociación Bioétnica, Social y Cultural 
NIT 901236829-0


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